
Pore Pressure Transducer with Digital Readout

Product Files
Pore Pressure Transducer with psi Digital Readout

Pore Pressure Transducer with psi Digital Readout

Model: HMA-521
Price: $969.50
Pore Pressure Transducer with kPa Digital Readout

Pore Pressure Transducer with kPa Digital Readout

Model: HMA-521F
Price: $1,020.50

Pore Pressure Transducer with Digital Readout allows precision measurement of soil sample pore water pressure during triaxial and permeability testing. The pore measuring system allows measurements up to 150psi (1,034kPa) with 0.01psi (0.07kPa) resolution. The Transducer can also be used with triaxial cells or flexible wall permeability cells. The Pore Pressure Transducer contains a deairing valve with an easy-to-read 4.5in (114mm) LCD display mounted in a wire stand for placement on a table or other flat surface. For use with Triaxial Cells or Flexible Wall Permeability Cells.


  • Precise measuring of pore pressure
  • Easy-to-read 4.5in (114mm) display
  • Can be used with triaxial cells or flexible wall permeability cells

Included Items:

  • Pore Pressure Transducer with (psi or kPa) Digital Readout


Pressure Rating

HMA-521: Up to 150psi with 0.01psi Resolution

HMA-521F: Up to 1,034.21kPa with 0.07kPa Resolution

Accuracy ± 0.5% of full scale
Range Transducer Operating Temperature: -40°–125°C
Repeatability ± 0.2%
Electrical 115V, 50-60Hz or 220V, 50-60Hz
Estimated Shipping Weight 4.0lb (1.81kg)

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Pressure Rating

HMA-521: Up to 150psi with 0.01psi Resolution

HMA-521F: Up to 1,034.21kPa with 0.07kPa Resolution

Accuracy ± 0.5% of full scale
Range Transducer Operating Temperature: -40°–125°C
Repeatability ± 0.2%
Electrical 115V, 50-60Hz or 220V, 50-60Hz
Estimated Shipping Weight 4.0lb (1.81kg)
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