Gilson’s Data Acquisition Software Suite is a series of applications that log and calculate test values for popular soil and asphalt laboratory tests. The programs display real-time load and displacement values during the test, save files to the user’s computer, and generate customizable and printable reports following ASTM/AASHTO test method requirements. Separate applications for California Bearing Ratio (CBR)/Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR), triaxial compression, unconfined compressive strength, soil-cement, consolidation, direct/residual shear and asphalt Marshall Stability. The software operates on Windows desktops, laptops, or touchscreen devices.
A fully functional 30-day trial version of each application is available at no charge.
Starting List Price: $999,999.00
Starting Dealer Price: $0.00
Starting List Price: $999,999.00
Starting Dealer Price: $0.00
Starting List Price: $999,999.00
Starting Dealer Price: $0.00
Starting List Price: $999,999.00
Starting Dealer Price: $0.00
Each software program is optimized for use with Gilson two and four-channel data readouts and digital component sets, but compatible with a variety of electronic load and displacement sensors. Company information, logo, and equipment information can be entered for inclusion in final reports. Test report data and information can also be exported to a spreadsheet application or converted into a PDF document.
- CBR/LBR Data Acquisition Software acquires CBR/LBR load and displacement data and generates a load vs penetration curve.
- Triaxial Compression Data Acquisition Software records load and deformation data for Unconsolidated-Undrained (UU), Consolidated-Undrained (CU), and Consolidated-Drained (CD) triaxial specimens, as well as soil unconfined compression test samples.
- Unconfined Compressive Strength Data Acquisition Software records axial load and deformation measurements during testing. Results are plotted on a stress vs strain curve for reporting.
- Direct Shear Data Acquisition Software records direct/residual shear and consolidation data, and reports result in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO standards. The software is compatible with Gilson pneumatic or dead-weight shear machines, as well as models by other manufacturers.
- Consolidation Data Acquisition Software logs consolidation or swell measurements during incremental loading on soil samples. The software can also be configured for use with a digital dial indicator and USB cable or a displacement transducer with two or four-channel data readout.
- Soil Cement Data Acquisition Software logs the axial load and vertical deformation data of soil-cement samples then calculates the unconfined compressive strength. The software works with the HMA-687D Component Set, which includes an HM-418 two-channel Digital Readout.